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Gig Economy 101 | JRW Associates, Inc., a Raleigh Benefit Advisory Firm

By now you’ve heard of the term “gig economy” but you may not know what it means. Is it describing the economy of musicians as they work gigs? Does it mean something about computers and the measurement of space allotted for their programs? Does it have something to do with fishing? Well, not exactly. But, … Continued

Hot Trends in HR | JRW Associates, Inc., a Raleigh Benefit Advisory Firm

2019 has ushered in many new trends such as retro cartoon character timepieces, meatless hamburgers, and 5G networks to name a few. Not surprisingly, trend-watching doesn’t stop with pop culture, fashion, and technology. Your company’s human resources department should also take notice of the top changes in the marketplace, so they are poised to attract … Continued

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Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27615

