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UBA Survey: Weary Families Get a Break While Singles See Out-of-Pocket Cost Increases | JRW Associates, Inc., a Raleigh Benefit Advisory Firm

While the rate impact of the regulatory environment plays out, one thing is clear from the 2017 UBA Health Plan Survey: employers continue to shift a greater share of expenses to employees through out-of-pocket cost increases. While this is just one of 7 mega trends uncovered in the survey, it is particularly interesting this year … Continued

The Risk of Being Uninsured (and the Hidden Bargain in Addressing It Now) | JRW Associates, Inc., a Raleigh Benefit Advisory Firm

With all the expenses of everyday living, it’s tempting to think of insurance as just another cost. What’s harder to see is the potential cost of not buying insurance—or what’s known as “self-insuring”—and the hidden bargain of coverage. The Important vs. the Urgent We’ve all experienced it: the tendency to stay focused on putting out … Continued

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