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The Affordability Test for 2022 Health Plans | JRW Associates, Inc., a Raleigh Benefit Advisory

The Affordable Care Act’s employer shared responsibility provision — often called the employer mandate or “play or pay” — requires large employers to offer health coverage to their full-time employees or face a potential penalty. (Employers with fewer than 50 full-time and full-time-equivalent employees are exempt.) Large employers can avoid the risk of any play … Continued

Spam and Phishing | JRW Associates, Inc., a Raleigh Benefit Advisory

Malicious Email A malicious email can look just like it comes from a financial institution, an e-commerce site, a government agency or any other service or business. It often urges you to act quickly, because your account has been compromised, your order cannot be fulfilled or there is another urgent matter to address. If you … Continued

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Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27615

