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Revealed – Survey Responses about Employee Wellness and Benefits | JRW Associates, Inc., a Raleigh Benefit Advisory

The connection between employee wellness and the benefits of the job might seem obvious. But the conversation should be more nuanced than merely a discussion about health insurance, access to mental healthcare like employee assistance programs (EAPs), and well-being apps to reach zen. Indeed, Human Resources professionals must reconsider their definition of benefits. It must extend to all the pros of … Continued

Workplace Wellbeing: 5 Recommendations from the U.S. Surgeon General | JRW Associates, Inc., a Raleigh Benefit Advisory

The U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, recently released the Framework for Workplace Mental Health & Wellness to set a new standard for expectations of employers. In this new normal, Human Resources leaders must take some responsibility for the wellbeing of those who work in their organization. The report is comprehensive and includes research and data supporting the … Continued

6 Ways to Help Employees Combat Burnout | JRW Associates, Inc., a Raleigh Benefit Advisory

Respondents to the latest State of HR report list burnout as the greatest consequence of the pandemic. In fact, the Great Resignation lingers, in part, because the burnout has gotten worse. Now, companies are facing inflation, the yanking of job offers, and the possibility of layoffs. While they are tightening their belts and being far more cautious, their workers … Continued

The 4 W’s of Lifestyle Benefits | JRW Associates, Inc., a Raleigh Benefit Advisory

Com­pet­i­tive wages are no longer enough to sat­is­fy and sup­port val­ued employ­ees. Today, a vari­ety of ben­e­fits and perks play an essen­tial role in attract­ing and retain­ing talent. Lifestyle benefits, sometimes referred to as employee perks, are non-salary benefits given to employees to improve their overall lifestyle that go above and beyond standard medical, dental and … Continued

Mental Health is Wealth, So Start Saving Up Now! | JRW Associates, Inc., a Raleigh Benefit Advisory

“Suck it up,” “cheer up,” “snap out of it,” “but you don’t look sick”- these are just some of the phrases that well-meaning friends and family tell loved ones struggling with mental health issues. Research shows that one in five adults struggle with mental health conditions.  Mental health struggles include depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, … Continued

Healthy Eating Tips | JRW Associates, Inc., a Raleigh Benefit Advisory

It can sometimes feel as if we’re bombarded with information about the latest eating trend or buzzworthy ingredient. But good nutrition is really about having a well-rounded diet, and it’s easier to do than you may think. In fact, living a nutritious lifestyle can be easy and fun. Nutrition is about more than vitamins—it also … Continued

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