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Top ten catastrophic claims conditions | JRW Associates, Inc., a Raleigh Benefit Advisory Firm

The top ten catastrophic claims conditions represented 53% of all stop-loss claims reimbursements.  Compared to last year’s study, conditions remained generally consistent and ranged from various cancers to congestive heart failure to infection. Cancer continued its dominance as the leading catastrophic claims condition, accounting for 26.6% of all the total stop-loss claims with $618 million in stop-loss reimbursements.  Chronic/end-stage renal disease retained its #3 position.  As predicted in last year’s report, transplants did trend upward.  That condition moved into the #6 position.  In addition, last year’s #10 condition “complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified” was displaced by septicemia (infection).

To see the entire breakdown and learn more, click here.

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