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By: Brian M. Hodges, PharmD, BCPS, BCNSP

  • Market Clinical Director, Comprehensive Pharmacy Services, Charleston Area Medical Center
  • Clinical Assistant Professor, West Virginia University School of Pharmacy, Charleston, West Virginia


If a response of more than 5 mm is recorded proceed isoniazid for another 3 months chronic gastritis malabsorption discount ditropan 5mg on-line. In the primary two months (initial phase of remedy) ought to be administered underneath direct observation of either a well being care supplier in a well being facility or another member of the household or community gastritis diet foods eat trusted ditropan 2.5mg. Drugs and tools for registration and reporting ought to be available earlier than remedy is began gastritis wiki cheapest generic ditropan uk. The sufferers ought to acquire a supply of drugs fourweekly for daily selfadministration at residence diet gastritis kronik order genuine ditropan. Retreatment regimen for relapse (R), remedy failure (F), or remedy resumed. This suppresses the expansion of organisms prone to the drugs but encourages the multiplication of isolated strains with spontaneous drug resistance. Typhoid bacilli are shed in the faeces of a symptomatic carriers or in the stool or urine of those with lively ailments. Diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal tenderness, changes in sensorium, splenomegaly, relative bradycardia, Rose spots (blanching lesions). High index of suspicion is required when investigating any affected person with unexplained fever. Investigations � Full haemogram: Relative leukopaenia in relation to the fever � Cultures: Positive in blood in first week, stool and urine cultures turn into positive in the third week � Widal take a look at: Fourfold rise in spared specimen acquired two weeks aside counsel S. Prevention � Wholesome ingesting water (boil water for 10 minutes or chlorinated) � Pausterised milk � Avoidance of food dealing with by healthy carriers � Treat the healthy carriers � Hygienic waste disposal � Vaccination: reside attenuated oral vaccine four capsules given on alternate days. Surgical Complications intestinal perforation resulting in peritonitis, septicaemia. Clinical Features Abdominal pain and distension, rebound tenderness Investigations � Plain abdominal xray: Erect/decubitus which can show pneumoperitonium or multiple Quid ranges Management � Drugs as above � Surgical laparotomy. Refer If � No bodily trigger found (to a psychiatrist for remedy of schizophrenia, mania or despair). Do not deal with with chlorpromazine alone because it reduces seizure threshold � Give multivitamins containing folic acid � Manage head trauma and deal with pneumonia that are widespread in alcohol abusers � Treat specific problems symptomatically. Delirium tremens has a high mortality if not identified and treated early Patient Education � Counsel the affected person; abstinence may be important � Encourage nutritious diet 151 � Involve the household in the longterm management. They are characterised by important impairment in psychological, social and occupational functioning as noticed over a 12month period. Commonly abused substances in Kenya embrace tobacco, hashish sativa, khat (miraa), opioids (heroin), cocaine and solvents (glue, petrol, wooden vanish). Substancerelated syndromes embrace: Intoxication, dependence, withdrawal, psychosis, temper problems, anxiety, sleep problems, sexual problems. Management of Selected Substances of Abuse � Opioids detoxing: Opioids abused embrace heroin, morphine, dihydrocodeine and pethidine. Tolerance develops quickly and withdrawal features embrace agitation, lethargy, 152 sweating, goose flesh, working nostril, shivering, musculoskeletal pains, diarrhoea and abdominal cramps. Due to highly addictive nature of the opioids, admission to hospitals is important. Treatment of the psychiatric * complication is similar as for the primary syndromes. Treatment of the associated psychiatric problems is similar as for the primary syndromes. Chronic users may develop organ injury (liver, heart, kidney, aside from neurological injury. Clinical Features Empty feeling in the abdomen, lightness in chest, pounding heart, perspiration, urge to void, nonexertion dyspnoea, blurred imaginative and prescient, hyper reflexia, dizziness, mild headedness. Management � Correct hypoglycaemia, if present � Uncomplicated anxiety: reassure affected person benzodiazepines. Start on benzodiazepines and seek the advice of psychiatrist for: psychotherapy behaviour remedy different pharmacological interventions. Management � Involve household; school � Imipramine 1025 mg daily until signs disappear. Clinical Features Could present as: Paralysis of part of the physique, tremors, blindness, deafness, seizures, aphonia. The severity of disability fluctuates, affected person fails to exhibit the seriousness the incapacity accords. Clinical Features Dysphoric temper characterised by disappointment, crying spells or irritability. Negative views of self surroundings and the future, indicated by guilt, lack of interest, difficulties in concentrating or suicidal thoughts. Meticulous histon is necessary as underdiagnosis is widespread and lots of sufferers affected by despair, receive inadequate remedy. Management Pharmacologic � Antidepressants: amitriptyline 50150 mg daily: Start with 75 mg on the primary day and increase by 25 mg weekly. If drugs are effective, proceed for 3 months and then withdraw at 25 mg/week. Failure to reply to remedy is because of: � Poor compliance � Inadequate dosage � Misdiagnosis � Inadequate therapeutic trial (usually 6 weeks). Refer For � Reevaluating the analysis � Instituting chronic remedy (prophylaxis) in those with recurrent severe despair � Changing to second technology antidepressants. Admit If � Risk of suicide is judged high � There is critical weight loss � There is imminent stupor. Patient Education � Inform the affected person that there will be a delay of 2 weeks earlier than helpful effects of remedy are experienced � Explain about the side effects. Clinical Features Hyperactivity usually goal oriented, over generosity, extravagance, disinhibition (promiscuity, drug abuse), irritability, accelerated speech, infectious elated congruent temper, grandiose delusions enhanced self-worth, insomnia, weight loss (no time for food). In severe forms affected person seems disorganised, may be violent and has authorized involvement. Management General � Rule out intoxication � Involve relations in management. Use psychiatric community nurses and social staff in involving household to understand the sickness and helping the household in rehabilitation of the affected person into community activities. Refer If � Poor compliance � Inadequate dosage/therapeutic remedy as much as 6 weeks 158 � Misdiagnosis. Patient Education � Compliance to remedy is necessary to stop relapses � Relatives ought to bring the affected person to the hospital at early signs of relapse � Drugs may have to be taken for a very long time relying on response. Insomnia can be a symptom of most different psychiatric and bodily problems which ought to be excluded. Management � Forced naps at regular times of the day � Methyl phenidate 30 mg morning and 20 mg midday until signs disappear, maximum dose 60 mg daily. May occur in the following conditions: Depression, schizophrenia, underneath affect of alcohol/drugs, underneath severe social problems or stress, character disorder. Refer If � Any of the above signs present � Has a psychological sickness � Has troublesome social problems. Clinical Features General malaise, joint pains, joint mobility not affected, joint not red, not warm, not tender or only barely tender. Pain turns into more severe as attack progresses, but subsides spontaneously in four days. Initially intercritical durations are lengthy but later acute assaults occur more incessantly. If arthritic assaults frequent, renal injury present or serum uric acid considerably elevated, serum uric acid ought to be lowered. Joints commonly involved are cervical and lumbar spines, the knees and hip as well as the arms and ft. Clinical Features Symmetrical peripheral polyarthritis mostly of small joints (warm, painful, stiff, swollen). ExtraArticular: fever, weight loss, lassitude, anaemia, subcutaneous nodules, splenomegaly, lyinphadenopathy, keratoconjuctivitis, pericarditis, pleuritis. Admit For � Acute exacerbation � Bed rest (may need to splint the affected joint) � Intensive physiotherapy � Systemic complications Complications All the techniques are involved in this disease; this would need specialists attention as would using steroids or chloroquine.

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Once you determine the talents the tension between these two roles is sufficient and skills you need students to demonstrate, to give all of us a knot in our gut when faced you should assign value to the achievement of with a difcult grading task. The finest approach to these skills and to the partial achievement of mediate this conict, fortunately, is relatively these skills, and then translate that value into straightforward: set out clear standards that what each grading scheme your institution students should meet at the outset, then get pleasure from requires. Inform students Establishes a Contract Between upfront what shall be graded and how. Reafrm You and Your Students these standards in the feedback that accom pany your grades. Remember, the first the nal step in designing a course is the presen purpose of grades is to give students helpful tation of the syllabus. This will assist students and full the course in a method that helps them become familiar with your standards and their set their expectations and guide their conduct. Some fac will talk favoritism and capricious ulty members select to put everything in writ ness. Rozenblit simply bare-bones logistical details about due writing are likely to sound dated by publication. Tone might wish to use info technology in and magnificence are both personal decisions, however, your teaching. Still, you might trating on general ideas, we can attempt to com wish to contemplate these recommendations for writing a pensate for the short projected shelf-lifetime of the great one. Remember, rst-yr students and part-time students may not be � To sell and market your course. Both deans familiar with nicknames and other native jar and students at instances seem unduly gon. Do not be afraid to could be the most instantly practical set of include some big concepts in the syllabus, espe causes to complement chalk and paper with cially if they provide a context or purpose for electrons. Put your notes on � Edit fastidiously the calendar info you the net, print out your shows as hand include. Be aware of holidays and other outs, send notices, or acquire and distribute campus activities. Remember, students will assignments with out losing useful class use this syllabus to plan their semester. Tools developed for easy change of � Make the doc as helpful as attainable, so info in enterprise and among private that students will maintain it and look to it, typically. Help pupil students refer to as a result of it has good, dependable apply new concepts, actively interact the knowledge. Some particularly relevant examples may be the usage of movies Teaching Psychology with to show medical interviews, computer anima Information Technology tion to illustrate advanced causal relationships, computer systems with projectors to show precise Extolling the virtues of recent applied sciences in a experimental stimuli in actual time, and online published text is a risky enterprise. Tools that data collection to conduct easy analysis in seem slicing-edge and exciting at the time of a strategies course. Any effort to introduce innovation into the category room is fraught with potential difculties of Psychology researchers are sometimes proud of being unknown magnitude, all in pursuit of unsure Jills-of-all trades. It is tempting to convey a few of these skills significance of articulating your goals in terms to bear on developing technological solutions to of pupil achievement. However, the costs of devel one other software for enhancing pupil achieve oping teaching applied sciences from scratch are ment, (Manning & Johnson, 2011) so we pro typically prohibitive (when it comes to your time). In pupil-centered terms: with syllabus design, lesson planning, and what modifications (studying or talents) do I need pupil contact. What teaching/studying paramount consideration for implementing any problem am I attempting to remedy with application technological innovation. De ne a technique for integrating technology into � Check with your version of Information the rest of the category. This is the difcult part, and Technology Services, or Media Initiatives, or where most tutorial technology fails. The motto for a chunk of technology offers net browser-based mostly construction and merely appended to a course must be: �If you administration after all web sites that features (simply) construct it, they received�t come. Assess how properly your technique has met your by way of an outdoor solutions supplier yourself goals. When you contemplate the framework above, the Web Resources answer to the question �When should I use tech nology in my teaching Boredom has reper php/members/teaching cussions beyond your class; at many universi � the Society for the Teaching of Psychology. Advanced Courses big favor when you can nd methods to convey Introduction to Psychology to life. Not that this section explores the elemental differences teaching an introductory course is all about between introductory and advanced programs, sug entertainment�your content nonetheless has to be solid, gests ways in which you might finest put together for every, your lectures properly organized, your visuals clear, and highlights some traps you might wish to avoid. Here are some Introductory course enrollments are usually recommendations: giant and subsequently programs are taught in a lecture � Build the course around some big questions or format. The said aim of the introductory course themes that have relevance for college kids. Break up the tive test with a combination of a number of choice lecture and get students engaged on curiosity and short answer objects. This is particularly cru introductory programs is to introduce students to a cial in case your class meets for more than fty giant set of fundamental concepts and foundational facts, minutes at a shot. The aim is to task in the course of the semester that allows explore one area of psychology intimately by way of students to explore their own interests. Students are in the big class, nd a approach to see or acknowl typically requested to write papers or design experi edge each pupil. The goal If you have no idea how properly you lecture, have right here is to test for advanced analytical talents a colleague or consultant observe you. In this fashion, these programs lectures around the most fascinating characteristic of can also be designed to socialize students into any chapter. Here ungraded writing, for example, one-minute are some hints for developing profitable programs at paper assignments, to assist students realize every level, and for avoiding widespread pitfalls. Remember, advanced seminars are extremely essential programs, particularly once they repre In most academic departments, teaching advanced sent capstone experiences for psychology majors. Often, individual exploration, with the creation of a advanced programs will include graduate students widespread studying expertise. This is true main the seminar and being liable for for a number of causes. The programs are sometimes a direct reection of the profes purpose of a seminar is to convey minds collectively sor�s tackle the subject or could also be constructed around on widespread questions or issues. In a seminar class, stu � Design the seminar so that almost everyone dents are given a group of readings for dis has some direct responsibility for advancing cussion every week. When a key question or problem emerges and the material, combined with the individual in dialogue, require everyone to respond. No one wins and no feels in the course the more rewarding the one learns when thirty minutes of unsubstanti work shall be. Teaching Fellow or Graduate Student Instructor) � Clarify expectations at the outset. Usually this means mines, typically implicitly, which role a teaching meeting early and often, particularly in the assistant will play. One of undergraduate teaching, you nearly definitely had the most frequent and bitter complaints heard no coaching in administration or mentorship. Explain your pedagogical goals and ask more in regards to the students of their sections than for his or her enter. Some of these complaints will materials, but may even be an invaluable be taught come to you, but others will go straight to your ing expertise for the long run school members chair or dean. Consider that efficient delegation implies you php/members/teaching have given the members of your staff the free � the Society for the Teaching of Psychology. Designing and assessing programs in direction of the land of condent and competent and curricula: A practical guide (3rd ed. The technology software nice teachers emerge after years of common per belt for teaching.

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Growth hormone alternative is run subcutaneously six or seven times per week. Chapter 27 the Child with an Endocrine or Metabolic Alteration Identify the physiologic basis for the following indicators and signs of kind 1 diabetes mellitus. A fasting serum glucose level exceeding and a random level exceeding is indicative of kind 1 diabetes mellitus. What criteria must be met for an adolescent with kind 1 diabetes mellitus to be thought of for an insulin pump The baby within the �honeymoon� part requires increased insulin therapy to prevent hyperglycemia. The household ought to adhere to a consistent schedule for meal times and quantity of meals intake. A 15 to 30-g carbohydrate snack could be eaten when the kid is planning one hour of train. List one task that a child in each of the following age groups could be expected to do within the management of kind 1 diabetes mellitus. Identify the expected laboratory outcomes for the kid in diabetic ketoacidosis as low, normal, or elevated. What kind of insulin and route of administration are used within the remedy of diabetic ketoacidosis What would the nurse teach dad and mom about managing a child�s kind 1 diabetes mellitus during times of minor illness Life-lengthy insulin injections are required for the management of kind 2 diabetes mellitus. Because many youngsters with endocrine alterations are handled in outpatient settings, this would supply firsthand information of pediatric endocrine alterations. Develop a teaching plan for the dad and mom of a newborn infant diagnosed with congenital hypothyroidism. Review teaching supplies for kind 1 and kind 2 diabetes mellitus used at your medical site. The Child with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Lizzy is a 7-year-old who has been sent to the emergency division from the pediatrician�s workplace for potential diabetic ketoacidosis. Her dad and mom introduced her to the pediatrician because she has had increased urination and stomach ache. The emergency division nurse observes Lizzy respiratory quickly and deeply and notes that her breath has a fruity odor. Lizzy and her dad and mom obtain intensive teaching about kind 1 diabetes mellitus management. A few days later, her mom calls the nurse because Lizzy is pale, shaky, and diaphoretic. Lizzy has been active in soccer and softball at her college, and she wants to proceed to play. The Child with Diabetes Insipidus Danny is a 9-year-old boy who lately underwent elimination of a craniopharyngioma. Last night he incessantly requested drinks of water and his urine output was 1000mL. When Danny�s mom is advised that Danny�s signs are being caused by diabetes insipidus, she reacts by saying, �He�s been by way of so much already. Danny is began on desmopressin intranasally He asks, �How lengthy will I even have to take these items The baby with congenital hypothyroidism requires life-lengthy thyroid hormone alternative. A nursing intervention for a child with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion is to: a. When performing a bodily evaluation on a child with hyperthyroidism, the nurse could be alert for: a. The baby with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone could be assessed for indicators of the electrolyte imbalance known as: a. Sudden weight gain 191 Copyright � 2013, 2007, 2002 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Also discuss with a pharmacology textbook for a extra detailed discussion of anticonvulsant medications. Abnormal flexion of the upper extremities and extension of the decrease extremities 2. Identify three nursing diagnoses that apply to youngsters with problems of the nervous system. What is the rationale for maintaining the top of the bed at an angle between 30 and 45 levels for a child with a neurologic dysfunction Why might a child with a neurologic dysfunction have a nursing prognosis of Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirements Identify two medical manifestations of increased intracranial stress for each of the following age-groups. Identify the following illustrations as decerebrate posturing or decorticate posturing. Changes in a child�s normal behavior are necessary indicators of increased intracranial stress. The progression from decerebrate to decorticate posturing signifies deterioration of the kid�s situation. The appearance of the Cushing reflex is an early signal of increased intracranial stress. The diploma of impairment is said to the extent of the defect on the spinal wire. The remedy for hydrocephalus is 195 Copyright � 2013, 2007, 2002 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Chapter 28 the Child with a Neurologic Alteration Match each medical manifestation with the corresponding age group. Seizures Cerebral Palsy Match each classification of cerebral palsy with its description. Almost all youngsters with cerebral palsy may have some extent of psychological retardation and other handicaps. In cerebral palsy the injury to the pyramidal motor system can happen within the prenatal, perinatal, or postnatal durations. What guidelines ought to dad and mom comply with in figuring out when to notify the doctor of a kid�s head damage Transient and reversible neuronal dysfunction with instantaneous lack of responsiveness 63. Immediately after a spinal wire damage at any level, flaccid paralysis of the limbs happen. Before any try is made to move a child with a neck or spinal wire damage, the backbone must be immobilized. After a spinal wire damage, the spinal wire is immobilized with using tongs or halo traction. 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Sentir dolor de la quinta lumbar a la undecima dorsal (de la parte baja de la espalda hasta la cintura) esta relacionado con el miedo a la escasez y con la inseguridad material. Es una persona para quien el "hacer" es muy importante, porque eso es lo que le da seguridad. Del mismo modo, la espalda puede dolerle lo suficiente como para proporcionarle una excusa por no hacerlo todo, porque teme que si hace demasiado, ya no la ayudaran. Este dolor puede tambien presentarse en una persona que se siente demasiado vigilada en lo que hace. Si temes por tu supervivencia, date cuenta de que es solo tu parte afectiva dependiente la que cree que no puedes sobrevivir solo. Aun cuando en lo mas profundo de ti creas que no esta bien querer demasiado lo material, deberas comenzar por darte el derecho de tenerlo para que despues puedas ser capaz de sentirte sostenido sin todos esos "haberes". Si the concedes el derecho de tener esas necesidades, the sera mas facil explicarlas. Cuando quieras hacer algo por alguien a quien quieres, hazlo con amor, por el placer de agradar. Ademas, acepta la idea de que los demas no piensen como tu, ni que deban hacer todo para hacerte feliz. Por lo tanto, deberas aprender a pedir, diciendoles que necesitas que hagan para sentirte querido y un dia, cuando tu the quieras lo suficiente, ya no tendras mas necesidad de ello. Resentir: Izquierda: "Me reprocho no haber hecho el gesto necesario para protegerme". La planta del pie es la madre, pero a nivel simbolico es la casa donde se encuentra la madre, la casa familiar. Mente tradicionalista y atada de valores del pasado o a los valores de los padres. Resentir: �No tengo derecho a marcharme de casa o de salir del dominio de mi madre o a poner el pie en el suelo para marcharme". Por conversion repetitiva minima, Vais a descodificar para entender como se ha instalado la enfermedad. Pero no es eso lo que cura, lo que cura es analizar la vida cotidiana para poder actuar y modificar. Lo primero que debemos hacer es eliminar el acido urico en nuestra dieta (carnes rojas), citricos (frutas acidas) y productos lacteos. Tratamiento: Iniciamos en la zona del cuello, especialmente la zona en que los pulgares se articulan con el resto del pie. Aplicamos un masaje a la zona delantera del pulgar, siguiendo por el area que esta debajo de los dedos y por el borde despues, correspondiente a la columna vertebral. Conflicto: Constelacion: Conflicto de separacion + Territorio, con constelaciones de miedo. Caracteristicas del Esquizofrenico: Se esconde y esconde su identidad debido a un marco familiar muy rigido. El paciente presenta un estres muy grande y tiene la sensacion 215 plena de que no hay solucion en su situacion familiar. Son personas con un intelecto muy fuerte y con una gran necesidad de comprender la situacion. Los cuadros de esquizofrenia que hemos observado, presentan: Separacion y abandono vivido de una forma brutal y con un gran incomprension de lo sucedido. Hay: Causa possible: Miedo y resistencia ante el proceso de la vida, O no tener necesidad de vivir la experiencia de tener hijos. Quiza solo desean tener un hijo porque creen que es regular tenerlo o porque sus padres desean ser abuelos. Muchas mujeres quieren un hijo solo para sentirse mas mujeres, porque les resulta dificil aceptar su feminidad. Esta mujer puede ser esteril precisamente para que aprenda a ser feliz y a aceptarse completamente sin tener hijos. En el caso de muchas otras personas, el miedo que experimentan ante esta experiencia es mas fuerte que su deseo. Por lo tanto, la esterilidad es el medio inconsciente que utilizan para no tener hijos, aunque no deben abandonar su deseo. La esterilidad se manifiesta a menudo en la persona que se acusa de ser improductiva, que no obtiene los resultados positivos que busca en un area determinada. Se consciente de que cualquier miedo sentido en el pasado no es necesariamente cierto para siempre y para todo el mundo. Ademas, the sugiero que compruebes con quienes the conocen si the consideran improductivo, y descubriras que nada esta mas lejos de lo que ellos piensan de ti. Problemas de estomago, Incapacidad de digerir, asimilar lo nuevo en nuestra vida. Ejemplo: no poder apropiarse definitivamente de una herencia que le corresponde, segun testamente, o de las ganancias que le corresponden en una empresa de accionistas. Resentir: �He cogido el trozo, el pedazo, me lo he tragado, pero no lo puedo digerir". Conflicto: Conflicto relativo a personas o situaciones con las que debemos codearnos por obligacion. Resentir: �El enemigo irrumpe en mi territorio y me desestabiliza" (Ejemplo: me siento obligado a soportar la familia de mi mujer. Cuando hay problemas de estomago, eso significa generalmente que no sabemos como asimilar las nuevas experiencias: tenemos miedo. Muchos recordamos aun la epoca en que empezaron a popularizarse los aviones comerciales. Eso de meternos en un gran tubo metalico que debia transportarnos sanos y salvos por el cielo era una idea nueva y dificil de asimilar. En cada asiento habia bolsas de papel para vomitar, y casi todos las usabamos, tan discretamente como podiamos, y se las entregabamos bien dobladitas a las azafatas, que se pasaban buena parte del tiempo recorriendo el pasillo para recogerlas. Ahora, muchos anos despues, sigue habiendo bolsas en todos los asientos, pero rara vez alguien las usa, porque ya hemos asimilado la idea de volar. La persona que los 218 padece manifiesta intolerancia y temor ante lo que no es de su agrado. Tiene dificultad para adaptarse a alguien o a algo que va contra sus planes, sus habitos y su manera de vivir. Tiene un critico inside muy fuerte que le impide ceder y dejar hablar a su corazon, al cual no quiere aceptar incondicionalmente. En lugar de creer que eres incapaz de cambiar a los demas o a una situacion determinada, toma consciencia de tu propia capacidad para hacer tu vida. Confia mas en los demas, de la misma forma que debes confiar en que tu estomago es capaz de digerir tus alimentos. Debemos aceptar a todos con amor, es decir, aceptar las particularidades de todos y cada uno. Los pensamientos que alimentas del tipo "es injusto", "no es correcto", "es idiota", and so on. Si the vuelves mas tolerante hacia los demas, toleraras mejor los alimentos que ingieres. En lugar de guardar tus criticas en tu inside y querer expulsar lo que sucedio, lo que escuchas o a una persona que esta cerca de ti, observa que podria tener de bueno y aceptalo.

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